Cyber Security Consultancy Services

Our professional cyber security consultation services help your organisation overcome its security challenges and advise on how best to enhance your security posture with a risk aligned approach.

Our cyber security consultancy and advisory services guide businesses through the complex maze of today’s cyber threats…

offering tailored strategies for fortified security.

A close-up of a dandelion with seeds, showcasing the delicate beauty of nature's dispersal mechanism.

of business leaders that feel cyber security risks are increasing.

Challenge one
Three individuals discussing in a conference room, engaged in a productive meeting.

Shadow IT accounts for up to 40% of IT spending.

Challenge two
Two individuals focused on their computers in a professional office setting.

The average cost of a ransomware attack in UK.

Challenge three
Why It’s Important

Cyber security consultation serves as a strategic imperative for businesses.

We provide tailored insights and proactive measures to fortify digital resilience, mitigate emerging threats, and navigate the intricacies of an ever-evolving cyber landscape your whatever your organisation’s size.

A circular building with glass windows, reflecting sunlight, stands tall against a clear blue sky.

Maturity & transformation

By anticipating and simulating a range of cyber security scenarios, we ensure that you are as resilient as possible.


Adherence to industry regulations and standards, is critical to safeguard sensitive information and mitigate potential risks.


Virtual CISOs offer businesses flexible and expert cyber security guidance, without the commitment of a full-time, dedicated employee.

Penetration testing & attack simulation

Proactively identify vulnerabilities, assess security defenses, and enhance resilience by mimicking real-world cyber threats.

Data privacy & protection

Ensure customer trust, loyalty, and mitigate legal and financial risks associated with breaches and regulatory non-compliance.

Book your free 30 minute cyber security consultation

Find out more about how we can help your business secure its netorks and critical digital assets.