In the wake of the alarming breaches at both PSNI and the Electoral Commission, it’s evident that even disparate cyber incidents carry universal lessons for organisations worldwide.

PSNI’s Data Slip: When Systems and Strategy Disconnect

Breaches like PSNI, illuminate the dangers of an unsynchronised approach to people, process, and technology. A robust cybersecurity strategy demands meticulous classification of data, based on its inherent sensitivity. Ownership and clarity on data usage rights, combined with strong technological controls, well-trained staff, and codified processes, lay down the foundation for a comprehensive data protection strategy.

Electoral Commission’s Drama: A Silent Cyber Intrusion

The breach at the Electoral Commission reveals the hallmarks of a carefully orchestrated attack by seasoned cyber adversaries. The underlying message? Know what you hold dear, maintain visibility, and strengthen your defenses. Too many organisations remain blissfully unaware of stealthy breaches, especially when attackers discreetly manipulate data integrity or confidentiality.

Hidden Invaders: The Stealthy Threats Within

Many cyber incidents emerge not because of sophisticated hacking but due to attackers leaving intentional breadcrumbs. Both the PSNI and Electoral Commission breaches lingered undetected until significant damage was done.

The Silent Clock: The Undetected Duration of Cyber Threats

The concept of “dwell time” — the duration malevolent entities can stay undetected within systems — can be staggering. Unless they’re looking to extort immediately, many attackers can remain hidden for extended periods, sometimes stretching to months. In IBM’s 2022 data security report, it was reported that it took an average of 277 days – roughly 9 months – for businesses to identify and report a data breach.

A New Era of Cyber Security

The digital landscape is evolving, and so are the threats. Organisations need to shift their focus from solely safeguarding access to ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data.

Top 5 Takeaways: Improving Your Cybersecurity Approach

Below, we have outlined some essential takeaways to consider for bolstering your security measures.

  1. Holistic Strategy: Ensure alignment between people, processes, and technology. Each component is crucial and should be in sync.
  2. Know Your Assets: Understand the data you’re protecting, classify its sensitivity, and assign clear ownership.
  3. Stay Visible: Continuously monitor and review access logs, irregular activities, and breach alerts. It’s not just about setting up defences; it’s about watching them work in real-time.
  4. Educate and Train: Regularly train your team on data sensitivity, latest cyber threats, and best practices.
  5. Stay Updated: As threats evolve, so should your strategies. Regularly review and update your cybersecurity policies and technologies.


As cyber threats grow and change, staying proactive is essential. Learn from the past, adapt for the future, and ensure your organisation isn’t the next headline for the wrong reasons.

If you want to discuss these topics and ensure that your organisation’s security is performing as it’s supposed to, get in touch and speak to one of our team today.