Celebrating Women in Cyber

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we at Reliance Cyber wanted to shine a spotlight on some of the incredible women that make our company what it is. These women inspire us, leading the way in an industry that is still predominantly male.

In today’s blog we speak with one of our Cyber Security Consultants, Katherine Arthur, to find out about her journey into cyber security and what advice she can give to others that are interested in pursuing a career in cyber.

How did you get into cyber security?

My career path has been intentional, I studied BSc Computer Science and then wanted to learn more after studying a cyber crime module, so I did an MSc in Cyber Security, whilst working part time before starting my career in cyber.

What do you enjoy about working in cyber?

It’s the variety that cyber gives me, everyday is different depending on what project I am working on, or which client I am working with.

Have you got an interesting anecdote about a moment that made you realise how passionate you are about cyber security?

I was walking around a gift shop and saw a notebook for ‘keeping passwords’. I was totally astonished to find out that people are selling, buying and using these things to store this kind information, it shows a total misunderstanding and disregard for cyber and personal security – I didn’t realise how passionate I felt about cyber until then.

Do you think being a woman in cyber gives you a different perspective on things?

In some ways yes, my boyfriend is also in cyber and if we are discussing a problem or situation our approaches are always very different; that being said I wouldn’t necessarily put that down to gender specifically, I think everyone works through problems differently and being in an environment where your opinions are valued and where you are heard matters more!

Is there anything you have had to do differently, being a minority in this industry?

I have been fortunate to work – both past and present – with people who have respected me for my knowledge and I have not felt the impact of being a minority in terms of my gender whilst in the work environment.

Do you have any advice or top tips for women that want to get into cyber security?

Formal education isn’t the only way into cyber, there are plenty of resources and free and paid training online which can give you some great experience. You only need one person to believe in you, your knowledge and abilities, don’t let one hurdle set you back.

Finally, why would you recommend this industry to other women?

The industry is fast paced and keeps you on your feet, it’s great for anyone who’s willing to adapt quickly and learn continuously.

About Katherine

Katherine Arthur started as a Cyber Security Consultant at Reliance Cyber nine months ago. Katherine holds a BSc in Computer Science from Plymouth University and an MSc in Cyber Security from the University of Plymouth. She is a certified ISO/IEC 27001 Provisional Implementer and a qualified Payment Card Industry Professional (PCIP).